Electoral Roll

Electrol Roll

The Electoral Roll is the foundation for all church governance and consists of a list of all church members over the age of 16. Numbers on the roll are used to ascertain such things as the amount a parish pays to the diocese and also whether a parish remains viable to have a vicar – either full or part time, so it is really important that the numbers we have on our Electoral Roll accurately reflect the picture of our church attendance.

Please consider downloading and completing the form and handing it back to the sidesperson on duty next time you are in church. Your personal details on the form are kept securely and are never shared with third parties which includes the diocese; we only list your name and not your address on the Revision Notice which we legally have to post on our internal church notice board before every APCM as part of the Roll’s annual revision. Your contact details will be added to our church’s Communications List which will occasionally be used by the Vicar or Church Officers to communicate church business to you; these communications are always kept to a minimum and comply with GDPR Regulations - more information regarding this can be found on our Privacy Notice here

Should you have any questions regarding the Electoral Roll, please don’t hesitate to contact us via the General Enquiries tab here

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